Tag : medical-care-en

1-year-old child

We incurred the cure expenses for a 1-year-old Romanian child, suffering from glioma of the optic bilateral nerve. The child is undergoing chemotherapy at the Burlo Garofolo and his visual capacity has improved and allows him to be totally autonomous. As he returns to Romania later this year, he will not need further care.Read more

13 and 14-year-old boys

Through our support for the purchase of the necessary surgical equipment, our collaboration with the Surgical Ward of the children’s hospital in Novisad led to surgery on two Serbian boys, aged 13 and 14, suffering from “pectus excavatum”, operated using the Nuss procedure (application of a metal bar under the chest via thoratoscopy). It isRead more

Baby girl cured in June 2005

In June we funded a cycle of cures for an Albanian baby girl suffering from leukemia. We incur the expenses for the first year of cures, committing to contribute also in the future, if the therapy should continue. As stated in the Association’s Statute, in this case it is not possible for these cures toRead more

Albanian girl

We incurred the expenses for a brief hospitalization at the Burlo Garofolo Institute of an Albanian girl with Down syndrome, complicated by a severe mood-swing condition with a consequent significant degradation of her quality of life and drop of possibilities of interaction. Hospitalization aims at defining a diagnosis and a long-term therapeutic project which canRead more

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